終於試做了浮雕立體天使了,半立體的頭髮,眼睛,鼻子,輪廓 ...... 手累得抖了幸好沒變怪物 ...... 她們都很嬌小呀, 只有我尾指那麼高.
At last, I made my embossed angels ...... embossed hairs , eyes, noses, and profiles. Too tired my hands began to tremble. Luckily I didn't make them devil faces :p ..... they are so tiny, as tall as my little finger.
Handcrafting gave each angel an unique face ...... she is one of the most lovely angels ...... because of fatique, a little freckle was sprinkled on her little nose.
Tried to pipe the wings. Occassionally found a beautiful and efficient method to do that at almost finishing my works! Do you know which one is that?
如果下次連眼眉, 嘴嘴 也做到立體, 那就是完美了, 可惜暫時想不出方法 ......
朋友妳想到嗎? 遺憾一直都覺得妳會一起研究呢 ...... 算吧.
It is a perfection if I can pipe relief lips, eyebrows but do not know how yet.
Do you know how to do that my dear friend? Are you still my dear friend? ...... may be you will say I dun care ......
回覆刪除haha, 每人都有少少興趣和天份, 你的烹飪熱誠, 也是我學不到的呀.