I consider my hometown as Indonesia... as most of my relatives live there! That's a wonderful trip, especially for little children! [版主回覆10/11/2011 19:15:20]So good you and Cole have your own hometown, I've read your trip to Indonesia. Hometown is where our relatives live and our childhood spent over there and ...... there should be a rural place not a city.
一家大細一起回鄉祭祖對小朋友來說真的是個好好的故鄉回憶. 可惜我的鄉下已冇親戚, 也不知道爺爺的祖墓在那裡, 有點唏噓.
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/10/2011 20:29:06]都會的, 不過就唔會好似我細個時, 在大澳住左幾年咁了. 我都好慶幸我還有故鄉.......呢種感覺, 係自小在城市長大的人不會有的.
I consider my hometown as Indonesia... as most of my relatives live there! That's a wonderful trip, especially for little children!
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/11/2011 19:15:20]So good you and Cole have your own hometown, I've read your trip to Indonesia. Hometown is where our relatives live and our childhood spent over there and ...... there should be a rural place not a city.
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/11/2011 19:08:18]係咖, 不過舟車勞頓, 來去匆匆, 辛苦了太座.