Nessun Dorma.......Time to say goodbye.......極高難度的Caruso, 稍溫文, 不及Pavarotti的熱情奔放......Nella Fantasia.......You raise me up........My Way......Cavatina........
早陣子知道這奇蹟醜漢子會出唱片, 嚷著想買......
......今天下班回家, 太太說有東西送給我......
You have the CD! Wow!
回覆刪除Moon哥,你好幸福啊 Moon嫂真體貼,給你一個big surprise,真令人羡慕...我知這位其貌不揚的仁兄是從Britain's Got Talent的節目出來,當時評判也不看好Paul,因為他們只憑Paul的外表而下判斷,怎知Paul一開聲唱...所有人也聽得著迷...雖然人靠衣裝是重要,但有許多人真的過了火,我覺得只要你是真材實料,穿什麼牌子也好,只要穿得舒服,別人也會尊重你...這些只是我的個人意見
回覆刪除Oh! His album is out!! So happy for him, wish him lots of success! How do you find the album as a whole? Out of 10?
回覆刪除my, it is such a hit now! but I just consider whether I'll buy it. 小三, 太太也說這肥仔有什麼好, 不過最後也買給我......moon嫂, 最喜歡是雙黃蓮蓉月的雙黃呢! 一於我吃蓮蓉她吃雙黃 貓姐, 我都覺得好幸福heeee....... 我欣賞Paul Potts的才華藏在謙虛和絀樸的背後, 不過, 在今天這講表面功夫的世界, 他只是一個奇蹟呢! Fatgarfield, this is the only album of Potts right now. So impressive his performance in Britain's Got Talent! I hope this is not "one chance" for him only.
回覆刪除sweet sweet 啦!
回覆刪除I saw in a Melbourne newspaper that he'll be in Australia for a world tour! If he goes to HK, will you go and see him?
回覆刪除haha, Fatgarfield, he is so hit now! It seems I won't go to see him. A star at a distance may be much better