
2009年5月4日 星期一

Voice of angels

It was a rare opportunity I came back to my hometown with Philomela, a choir from Victoria, Canada.

I introduced my family old house and my auntie. They sang a song to her outside the front-yard there. Voice of angels was floating around the old street and houses. Amazing!

They also sang another song at the waterside balcony of my old classmate's boutique. What a wonderful moment! You can see.

Wish you a memorable trip and successful performances in Hong Kong.

3 則留言:

  1. Moon, Thanks so much for bringing the choir and us to Tai O! Like Mary said, you really were a wonderful guide and this was a memorable day for everyone of us!! Thanks again!!
    [版主回覆05/05/2009 09:11:00]哈哈, 我都係一起去玩啫, 加上我係地膽, 不過那天真的好熱呀!!!! Everyone's OK?

  2. 早上曾經有一刻衝動想乘車入去~~~~想吓0者
    [版主回覆05/05/2009 17:24:00]hehe, 妳剛剛雲遊會來, 我都知妳好累喇, 否則一定捉埋妳去呀!

  3. 你帶大隊返家鄉觀光, 衣錦還鄉噃, 講笑啫
    那些還是就讀的大學生嗎? my一定跟她們很熟悉喇.
    [版主回覆05/07/2009 23:17:00]我, t-shirt, casual trousers 啦.
    她們有學生, 有老師呢.
