
2009年5月6日 星期三

Philomela at St John Cathedral

Yesterday I joined a concert by UVic Philomela Women's Choir at the St John Cathedral, Hong Kong, conducted by Mary Kennedy.

This was the first time I came here. Strange? Though I was born and grown in Hong Kong, even I am more familiar with the Cathedrals in Macau.

A little bit regreted that the audiences are not full but the choir is so professional and earnest.  The voice was so harmonic and resonant with the large space inside the Cathedral.


Their songs are come from different places, Canada, US, South Africa, and Asia, including a familiar Chinese folk Jasmine "茉莉花".

another impressive song is from Canada, simulating the sound of wind, owl, wolf and other animals in the forest.......Mi'kmaq Honour Song. MY friend found this one, check it out.

Wish you a memorable trip and successful performance again.

6 則留言:

  1. 噢!錯左機會lu.
    [版主回覆05/07/2009 09:21:00]哎, 妳回來了, 都冇探妳添........唉, 好羨慕妳呀!

  2. 很可惜, 也許很多人都不知道這次的演唱會. 也因為不是那種流行曲, 時下青年不欣賞吧.
    [版主回覆05/07/2009 09:23:00]都是原因之一, 另一個原因是冇乜宣傳啦, 另一個原因是聖約翰座堂原來冇乜人晚禱啦....

  3. Next time if Mary wants to bring anyone here, me and Pan will organize for them!
    [版主回覆05/07/2009 09:25:00]Good ar, but that is really a big project.........project manager

  4. 经典的歌曲由他们唱出......好特别
    [版主回覆05/08/2009 07:30:00]係呀, 特別有一份親切感的.

  5. 好有氣氛........超正.
    [版主回覆05/10/2009 22:22:00]好和諧呀!!!

  6. (Empty)
    [版主回覆05/10/2009 22:22:00]HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY for every mother !!!
