
2009年1月13日 星期二

上主菜囉(1) - 澳門大堂街8號


 前年已留意這間餐廳開張, 不過一直沒有光顧, 兩年之後,  夠火候了吧!

一上到樓上, 四檯中有兩檯是日本人, 兩檯是香港客, 還未看餐牌, 已見隔離桌上火光熊熊, 火燒葡國腸, 我要吃呀!!!

送葡國啤酒最好, 太太和舅仔要葡國汽水, 菠蘿味和熱情果味, 有趣.

再來一個馬介休炒薯絲, 加埋洋蔥和蛋, 好香口.

澳門葡菜餐廳的包包永遠不會叫人失望, 不會一個甜餐包算數的.

檸檬汁炒花蛤, 侍應大力推介, 哇, 真是比一般食肆肥美, 檸汁又惹味

甜品是橙汁蛋白, 還以為蛋白中有餡, 點知真係一舊蛋白, 失望少少.

少吃多滋味, 因為好快又吃第二處了 

Escada 大堂街8號 , 唔錯. 有誠意.

tel 28966900 / 28389229

15 則留言:

  1. good !
    [版主回覆01/14/2009 08:39:00]我都好懷念呀!


  2. 我中意呢味,见到流曬口水 。
    [版主回覆01/14/2009 13:50:00]d蜆肥過市面一般好多呢!

  3. 個蛋白係泡定炸過呀??
    [版主回覆01/14/2009 13:50:00]我想是焗過, 不過仍是泡泡的.

  4. 個蜆同面包唔錯呀.
    [版主回覆01/14/2009 13:51:00]好吃好吃, 麵包蘸橄欖油, 醋, 蜆汁都好正.

  5. 好想食燒腸呀!
    [版主回覆01/14/2009 13:52:00]鹹鹹香香, 又好特別的燒烤味呢!

  6. 好似好好味呢~~ 係葡國菜嗎 ??
    [版主回覆01/14/2009 21:39:00]係呀, 係澳葡菜來的, 很有誠意和特式.

  7. hihi你好,有空就來看看丫.thx^^

  8. 咁我要記低個地址, 有機會去澳門一定要試.
    [版主回覆01/15/2009 11:28:00]如果妳去, 我send個file給妳丫.

  9. 好彩食飽飯, 吾係實比你的美食引死人!! 第一次借地方搭訕: Jenny, 澳門喎, 好遠播, 幾時去啫????????
    [版主回覆01/15/2009 21:09:00]hehe, 咁下次妳要再吃飽d, 下次的仲正呀!

  10. 蒲國腸 好似好好食咁 bor
    [版主回覆01/16/2009 17:19:00]幾香口呀, 即燒即食, 飲杯啤酒真係唔錯.

  11. Hello A Moon!  It's great to have found your blog by accident!  I'm a REAL Macanese like you but my problem is that I got married and now live in South France.  I miss so much Macau, espcially Macau people and food.  No where is better than my loving Macau!!
    When I see you blog, tears almost fell from my eyes..  With all the streets, buildings and food that I know by heart on your photos!  Your blog can cure my home sick somehow.......
    I'll come to visit you everyday! 
    Kung Hei Fat Choi!
    [版主回覆01/23/2009 20:44:00]hehe, 很開心認識妳這真正澳門人呀! 慚愧的是我不是澳門人, 我都係一年去兩三次澳門, 和妳一樣也會掛念澳門. 我都愛澳門, 不是那裡的新酒店和casino, 而是澳門人的生活方式和大街小巷, 當然還有食物啦. 比起香港, 澳門沒有那麼苛刻和工作至上, 較有生活感. 不過這是前幾年的感覺, 這種感覺, 近年已開始消失, 還幸仍留下一些.
    係o勒, 妳從前住邊區呀? 我的"足跡", 最南去到九澳, 最北到關閘, 祐漢, 三盞燈, 紅街市, 可以步行的我都行, 只有青州筷子基和發電廠未行過呀. 都好熟.
    本來我都開始ending澳門之旅了, 因妳, 我寫多幾個細節啦!
    這裏有一個澳門blog友呢, 得閒去探吓她啦.

  12. Thanks for your quick reply!!  I used to live in St. Antonio district (where you can find St Paul's Cathedral or Dai Sam Ba and Luis Camoes Park).
    The way you described Macau in your blog makes me think that you're Macanese like me because you know it very very well.
    I was back to Macau to visit my family last October and I'm quite disappointed with the new Macau.  Of course from a financial point of view, Macau has become richer but from the culture development point of view, it' a city in danger.  Because of those easily-coming $$, little Macaneses don't want to stay longer in schools (or universities) any more.  They don't need any university degree or further education to earn their lives well.  $$ has become their only concern.  If Macau continues to be like this, Macau'll face a cultural and social disasters soon.
    Before, in our generation when life wasn't that easy, we treasured most of our time with our families, friends, colleagues and neighbors.  We took our time to learn a better education in school so as to better develop our cultures and teachings to our younger fellows and children.  But now....
    Thanks for giving me the blog address of kkccmenu and I'll visit her blog with much expectation............... 
    Kung Hei Fat Choy!!  Wising you a prosperous year of the Ox!
    [版主回覆01/23/2009 22:43:00]白鴿巢公園, 我都去過呀, 我都幾鍾意呀, 東方基金會址和旁邊的小教堂我都好鍾意.....St. Paul Cathedral????? 係唔係St Antonio Cathedral 花王堂呀......哈哈, 我班門弄斧.
    我好鍾意由婆仔屋經美珊枝街..........行去, 好幽靜的.

    冇錯, 早幾年去, 我很欣賞澳門人都比較斯文和有人情味, 澳門女仔都比較文靜........最有印象是有一次我在新口岸一個巴士站等車, 一架巴士停下來, 司機問我地想去邊, 教我地在另一個巴士站等車........近年已經沒有了.......況且很多也不是澳門人.
    澳門, 之所以有那麼多好東西吃, 是很多小店都忠誠地比心機做好生意, 一家可得好生活, 好些一做幾代, 這就是我所說的那陣味, 我所欣賞的. 人人都忠於生活. 好好工作, 好好讀書.......不過近年, $$$$, 小店都付不了貴租, 請不到工人, 一間間到褪色或者消失.
    不知呢, 人民富有是好事, 但是發展失衡, 失去固有的生活價值觀, 又是否好事?

  13. Aline, 恭喜發財, 萬事勝意!

  14. Hello Ah Moon, King Hei Fat Choy!!
    St Paul Cathedral is the most famous landmark of Macao - Dai Sam Ba Pai Fung.
    And the church which is opposite to Luis Camoes Park is  called St. Antonio Church.  That is why that district is called St. Antonio district.  With the influences of the Portuguese, the districts of Macao are named according to the parish they belongs.
    Please don't say that you're 班門弄斧!  We just try to make sure what we meant!   Will visit you often as I like your blog....  Please keep on your good work!
    [版主回覆01/30/2009 19:47:00]恭喜發財.
    明白了, st paul cathedral就是sao paulo cathedral大三巴, 不過聖堂已剩下前面牌坊了.
    多來探我吧, 澳門的post還未完呢!

  15. 貴唔貴 ???
    [版主回覆06/23/2009 22:20:00]中上的香港價錢啦, 唔算好貴的
