

 A moon's little world 
 Ada Lam 
 Allie's private paradise 
 Amy NG
 C Chan Blog
 Fong Maggie 
 Iris Tam 
 Kestrel's Blog 
 MOONmoon's Kitchen 
 morita tintin
 NT enty 
 Owenmama's Kitchen 
 rity yc's wonderful world 
 Sally Ho 莎莉豪 
 Sam Shum 
 wayne fu blog 
 大少奶's Delicatessen 
 孖G妺 BLOG 
 沙沙密卡 - 痞客邦 

5 則留言:

  1. 新丁報到. ***** 月亮大俠啦:DD 巧多謝你呀))))

  2. i happened to visit your yahoo blog when i was searching for places selling eraser stamp cutting tool. I saw you made nice eraser stamps. May i know if there are any places where i can get the tools and are the erasers the normal erasers? Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi, my cutters were bought from ordinary stationery shops in HK. I bought the cutter of 30 degrees blade head, sharpper than the common cutter of 45 degrees.

      My stamp rubbers were mainly bought in Japan when I went there. In HK, Zakka Farm also provided some.


  3. Hi,

    I visited your blog,it’s really nice. I like it very much,especially the posts for Christmas :)

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    Have a nice day~
    Best regards,
    Siyuan GE
