
2011年3月6日 星期日

2010澳門行 - 11. 澳門的光與影

陽光普照的冬天午後, 是到處蹓躂的好時光, 也是睡午覺的好時光.......做那樣好呢?

還是先到處溜, 拍照吧.......香港已很難找到這些彷彿有生命的樓房呢!

有時什麼也不做, 看著沙化上的光與影, 任思緒飛揚或停頓, 也是很好的享受

7 則留言:

  1. I like your approach - light and shadow...
    well, it's probably going to be a family trip (with my parents, my hub and toddler) plus friend's family, any good notes for good, casual local food (especially Chinese, snack food)? I definitely have to find Ah Po... do you have the address?! Haven't been back for almost 6 years, I don't know if I can still find it! lol...
    [版主回覆03/07/2011 21:50:00]
    Macau is such a special places, living people, living building and living places........but they are fading out in recent years.......
    Macau has many good local food esp congee , noodles, and macaneese snacks..........try them.
    The shop hosted by Ah Poh is the famous 何開記, you can find in my eating notes.

  2. 光與影 - 很美.
    [版主回覆03/07/2011 21:51:00](Empty)

  3.         你 嘅 享受人生方法都幾特別喎!
    [版主回覆03/08/2011 07:39:00]我最喜歡hea, 人在hea中, 能和自己好好相處

  4. 我鐘意街燈相...好正!
    [版主回覆03/09/2011 07:50:00]:)

  5. 靚!
    [版主回覆03/09/2011 07:50:00]THANKS.

  6. 悠然自得好寫意!!
    [版主回覆03/09/2011 07:51:00]係呀, 最喜歡!

  7. 光與影是攝影的最佳題材............

    [版主回覆07/09/2011 09:40:00]對呀, 可遇不可求呢!
