下星期一, 我會飛去赤蜻蜓之鄉, 暫別一段時間.
小岩井農場, 十和田湖, 五色沼, 銀山溫泉, 山形藏王, 豬苗代湖奧入瀨, 松島, 東京.......
Hi, everybody, we`ve arrived at Morioka(盛岡) which is a small city. There is no even international phone but, luckily, free internet is provided. 28/7/2008
Hi, we are in Aomori(青森) now. It is a much smaller city, so silent. But we have fun in the Apple Park near Hirosaki(弘前). 30/7/2008
Hi, we just left 銀山温泉, what a romantic hot spring village and we now in 山形 now, still a small city. The worst thing is that we hard to find good place to eat. Today we climbed 1000 step to the hill top of 山寺! Good scene!! 2/8/2008
Hi we are in Zao Onsen Now!! 3/8/2008
Hi, at last we arrive at Tokyou, very hot! but so funny. 8/8/2008
偶然在youtube上看到這首耳熟能詳的日本小調, 可以感受到日本人內斂薀藉的詩意人情
晚霞裏的 赤蜻蜓
我被揹著時曾經看過 是哪天呢?
山間田裏 的桑子
摘下放入小籃 是幻是真?
阿姐十五歲時 出嫁了
從此和故里 絕了音訊
晚霞裏的 赤蜻蜓
仍停在 竿端
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/25/2008 21:02:00]係呀, 我好多年前買了一個音樂盒, 就是這首音樂.
原來歌詞咁有感情的, 歌者唱得好有神韻呀!
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/25/2008 21:03:00]hehe, 係旅行呀, 去本州的東北, 回來見.
[版主回覆07/26/2008 11:21:00]希望不會帶會肥! 肥! 肥!
所有我要行! 行! 行!
之前去小樽 , 個度既音樂盒好出名 ,但勁貴 , 但有間小鋪仔有賣音樂盒聲既CD , 我買左隻 , 好舒服既聲音 , 輕柔悅耳 , 有好多首樂曲......
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/26/2008 11:38:00]我的"赤蜻蜓"的音樂盒是在小樽的Orgel堂買的, 是一個很小小的碳爐上燒著兩條魚, 一隻小貓想爬上去偷吃, 那裡的音樂盒真是很貴, 不過也找到平的, 尤其是我這個, 多數是made in china吧.
玩得開心 d 啦 !
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/26/2008 11:39:00]好的好的, 一定一定.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/26/2008 11:39:00]會呀會呀, 不過多數是吃的東西
我既係cd ,一隻有齊好多歌, 聽返夠本 , 全部係音樂盒聲 , 好正
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/27/2008 14:03:00]好聽呀, 音樂盒cd, 我也有一盒天空之城........
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/27/2008 14:03:00]謝謝呀!
A moon,
回覆刪除我原本 plan 咗十月中去青森和秋田,但呢排日本經常地震,或者會改地點.但你不怕會遇到地震嗎?
[版主回覆07/27/2008 21:53:00]冇法啦, 一早plan了, 不過我相信各安天命的, 不怕, 最怕是地震時停了交通, 玩得不順利......
話時話, 我去的地方今年全震過了.
A moon, you're back to your favourite Japan! Can't wait for you to come back and share your experience with us! Have fun and enjoy your vacation!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/03/2008 21:20:00]Hehe, I am still in my trip in Japan ar!
I meet another aspect of Japan which is natural and silent. You can't believe we go to hike more than that in 1 year in Hong Kong. The scenery is magnificient at お釜 volcanic lake in 山形蔵王, and so traditional japanese buddhistic at 山寺.
Out of all , we have some good Onsen dinner温泉料理.
Miss you all!
Moon 兄,have a nice break! Don't worry about 肥! 肥! 肥! This is the by-product of happiness!!
回覆刪除唔知藏王山頂而家係點呢? 小岩井農場??好期待你的experience sharing。Waiting your beautiful photos!
[版主回覆08/03/2008 21:26:00]I sam in 蔵王温泉now! Today we went to お釜, How magificiant!!! Did you go there?
And also, we rided on the 蔵王Zao Ropeway today. And hiking on the Zao Hill. So cool there even though the temp at the Onzen village is 30C!!
I will share with you when I am back.
Sounds you are really having a lot of fun in Japan!! Enjoy!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/08/2008 21:54:00]We have a good time in North Ease but most of the days are in country side for hiking.
Now we can start the city trip around Tokyo!!
剛好去過小三處, 所以來你處打個招呼 . 也期待看你的遊蹤. Have fun!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/12/2008 20:21:00]Thanks ar!! see you soon.
啊, 你還在嘆世界呀????何時回來呢?????
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/12/2008 20:22:00]So soon, this is almost the end of the trip........
Moon哥) ) ) 人呢??玩到唔返黎?
[版主回覆08/14/2008 01:11:00]我剛剛番左黎啦, 蔚南.
做乜成日要四圍走? 好似玩得好密喎
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/14/2008 21:29:00]真係走到腳軟呀, 行了一年的份量呀
[版主回覆08/14/2008 21:30:00]hehe, 多謝妳tag我呀, 不過, 比d時間我丫, 妳明啦!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/14/2008 21:30:00]會的會的, 多謝妳常來探我呀!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/14/2008 21:31:00]sure candy, 上次妳的旅遊照片令我羨慕不已呀, 今次我都有不少山水照片呢!