Your daddy is at the hospital? Hope everything is well with him and that he can be back home soon! As we age, we can't help having 'little problems' with your health. But the most important is that we keep a positive thinking and I think your dad has that!
Your daddy is at the hospital? Hope everything is well with him and that he can be back home soon! As we age, we can't help having 'little problems' with your health. But the most important is that we keep a positive thinking and I think your dad has that!
回覆刪除但願藍天白雲常在每個人心裡~ Best wishes~
回覆刪除謝謝呀, Fatgarfield, 是老毛病呢, 他精神幾好, 等醫院的檢查和報告. 他好鎮定, 有時也我也被他的冷靜攪到又好氣又好笑.
回覆刪除阿莉, 是的, 面對多幾次, 慢慢的也較前鎮定了. 陰霾密佈的日子, 更覺藍天白雲的日子可貴.