
2009年4月28日 星期二

久違了, 旅遊學院

好幾年沒去澳門旅遊學院, 上兩年聖誕, 旅遊學院只是供應聖誕餐, 沒興趣........

今年去, 終於正常營業了, 大裝修後不知怎樣???

澳門西餐廳的餐包總不會令人失望, 不像香港, 大多是給你一個甜餐包或衛星包之類.


哎呀, 從前的典雅裝修去了哪裡??? 現在變得很casual......不是不好, 但有點失望呢.


來一杯, 慢慢喝


頭盤來一個黑毛豬風乾火腿沙拉........藍芝士, 太太皺晒眉, 我攪惦晒啦!

哎, 以往典雅的明黃和普藍的南歐風餐具呢!!!? 換了白色餐具, 跌了watt呀!

乳鴿, 伴以火腿和甘薯........趁得好好味道!

大蝦, 好味呀, 不是茄汁, 忙了什麼汁.......:p

本來有dessert buffet, .........可惜沒有了從前的超美味芝士餅, 懷念了幾年, 冇了.......但都是散叫啦.

 Creme brulee, 做得很滑, 配葡撻.

精緻版的木糠布丁, 都好吃的, 內有兩三層, 但餅末不夠幼, 還是九如坊的冇得頂, 紅酒煮洋梨就很好吃.


現在的旅遊學院都很好, 但當年受寵若驚的感覺沒法找回了.....環境, 餐具, 真是決定性的, 不只食物.

6 則留言:

  1. 學院? 食物好正呀. 餐房都好雅潔. 真是值得一到.
    [版主回覆04/30/2009 07:46:00]那裡是他們的教學餐廳, 老師主理做大廚, 不是學生餐.......haha

  2. 同意呀!從前的典雅裝修去了哪裡???
    [版主回覆04/30/2009 07:47:00]當日的情境, 已不能追回了........

  3. 你唔講都唔知係學院~ 仲以為係高級餐廳tim
    [版主回覆04/30/2009 07:48:00]他們做得很足呀, 因為是學院餐廳吧, 很多師傅帶住學生server人客, 食物呢, 都是老師做的.

  4. 噢﹗好可惜呀﹗那藍白的南歐味道消失了。真的新不如舊。
    [版主回覆05/02/2009 15:07:00]哈哈, 妳都覺呀! 最欣賞的南歐氣氛沒有了, 好失望的半新不舊feel.

  5. Hi A Moon
    Thanks for telling me that you've got new information of my beloved city!
    Guess what?  I'm now on a French remoted island called Guadeloup in the Carribean Sea for vacation with my little family.    In the past few weeks when I was in France, I just can't get into your blog to read your posts.   I miss your blog so much!!  Now, in Guadeloup, there's no problem in loading yahoo blogs....
    I'll take more time to read all the new posts from you.......
    It's extremly beautiful in Guadeloup!  Perhaps in your next trip with your wife, you may think about it........  Guadeloup is one of french overseas terrirotries.  As this is only my first day, I still haven't taken any photo yet.  Could you give me your e-mail address?  It's because I want to share the photos with you later on.  Take care and talk to you again soon....
    [版主回覆05/04/2009 19:03:00]哈哈, Aline, 當然要告訴妳啦!
    哇哇!!! 加勒比海, 好一個遠遠又浪漫的旅程呀!!! Guadeloup......嗯, 我想我要退休或者發左達不用做才去到了, 快post分享吧.
    好的好的, 我私人留給妳.

  6. By the way, Macau Tourism School is one of my favoraite restaurents as well!! GREAT FOOD, GOOD SERVICE but reasonable prices....   I LOVE IT!
    [版主回覆05/04/2009 19:07:00]我也很喜歡這餐廳呀, 可惜已沒有了當年的氣氛和氣派, 還有那懷念至今的芝士餅..........好的東西不要輕易變呀!
