
2007年5月16日 星期三


有幸拉衫尾, 跟去一連串的參觀



附近的"風采"風力發電站 - 工作人員說, 耗資三百多萬, 一年左右發了一萬多度電, 收回成本萬多元......

香港的環境不適合大規模的風力發電, 這個站, 是實驗性質, 和作數據收集用途.

主要的電力, 仍是依靠這裏.

穩定率達到 99.999%傑出水平的---南丫島發電廠.

3 則留言:

  1. Fatgarfield 肥加菲2007年5月18日 上午9:31

    There's a 風車 right in the middle of the city in Toronto and I have no idea what its use is... perhaps it's the same as the one in HK and it's only for research purposes. Afterall, with only one, I don't think they can produce much electricity.

  2. May be the Windmill related to Fung Shui? When I travelled through the plain of West Australia,   the array of hundred windmills stand there.  So magnificent! Regrettably, they are many 10km away from me and can't take a photo closely.

  3. Fatgarfield 肥加菲2007年5月19日 上午10:17

    Oh yeah, I've seen that on TV too! It must be a great sight! When I go to Australia later in the year, maybe I'll get to go and take a look.
