
2006年9月24日 星期日










3 則留言:

  1. hi - could you tell me what book it is please?
    [版主回覆07/12/2008 19:15:00]Actually, the book was forgot......with some memories once so treasurable.
    The bread is so common and mentioned in many books. One of the formulae is from "Bread" by May Leung, a good young baker in Hong Kong.
    For 2 batards
    bread flour 150g, rye flour 50g, instant yeast 1g, water 200g
    Mix and put it into the fridge for 1 night
    poolish 400g, bread flour 200g, whole wheat flour 100g, salt10g, malt extract 5g, instant yeast 7g, water 125g, raisin 50g, roasted walnuts50g
    Knead them until smooth and ferment for 50min, degas and ferment for 35min, degas and shape the dough in to 2 batards.
    Proof for 45min and bake for 25-30 under 220C with steaming.
    That's it!

  2. thank you so much!  I am a fanatic amatuer baker (of course much less skillful and professional as you   ) and was thrilled to discover your blog.   I've been reading it with great interests and I wish I could follow your recipes immediately but am prevented to do so because of some serious injuries to both hands.  Anyway, i am definitely going to try when my hands get better. 
    By the way, one serious question about chiffon cakes - my cakes never rise l ike yours (burst like a crown) but always break into layers ( 斷層) and then collapses miserably once they are cooled ( 有倒扣 but well, sort of like back to the level of the original batter).  Could you advise please?
    thank you, and keep up the good work!
    [版主回覆07/13/2008 11:24:00]我寫中文啦~~~~~hehe
    保重保重! 祝妳好快康復.
    雪芳有結層, 原因是---打發不足. 蛋黃漿要打至淡色杰杰, 蛋白要打至幼滑企身, 就行了.

  3. Thank you A moon! Let me try in again!
